Monday, February 27, 2012

34 Things

I'll let you guess how I picked the number for today's list ;).  It's my birthday and in honor of that I'd like to start documenting some things that intrigue me that I'd really like to try.

34 Things I Want to Do Someday
  1. Buy a guitar
  2. Take guitar lessons
  3. Buy a $100 walmart card and then hand it to the person behind me in line
  4. Hand out $100 bills in a parking lot somewhere
  5. Pre-pay for massages for a few stressed single-moms
  6. Call a college and randomly pay someone's semester tuition
  7. Stock my freezer with 30 dinners and not cook for a month
  8. Become certified to teach Zumba or some other dance related exercise class
  9. Get a PhD, so I could teach at a university if I wanted to work
  10. or do pre-med work and then go to Medical school
  11. or get an MBA and work in Health Care Administration again
  12. or be a stay at home mom the rest of my life
  13. clearly I am conflicted
  14. paint our whole house a neutral tan
  15. although I am happy to let my husband do it
  16. go on a beach vacation, and lay out in the sun and read
  17. or lay by a pool and have food and drinks delivered to my chair while I read
  18. It's funny how only one of my dreams involve cooking (or eliminating it as it were) yet I spend around 1/2 my day each day doing just that.
  19. But many of my dreams involve having money to give away
  20. I just know how scary it can be to be close to your last $ when you have kids to feed and clothe
  21. I thank the three years of law school while I had three little kids for that knowledge :)
  22. Have a weekend away with my husband
  23. That one could easily combine with the beach or poolside vacation
  24. I'm running out of dreams.
  25. I don't have that many besides giving money away
  26. and ways to earn that money
  27. But I can't decide which one (if any) to do.
  28. Partly because I am completely
  29. responsible for raising my children right now.
  30. And I desperately want to do a good job.
  31. I know I am cheating
  32. by writing all this stuff 
  33. instead of my list.  But
  34. now you know where my mind is at.
I've had the dreams of giving money away for a long time, but I got some specific ideas from this woman's birthday experience.


  1. haha, love it, those sound good. We have been talking dreams lately. We want to start a movie theatre geared specifically to families. Also, go on a family volunteer trip. Travel to Egypt. We wouldn't mind handing out cash like it's nothing either.

  2. Happy birthday from a mystery former classmate. :)

  3. Ha! Loved this! You are awesome :)


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

  1 C oat flour 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C cocoa powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/4 salt 1/2 C chocolate chips 1 egg 1/2 C plain greek yogurt 1/4 melted bu...