Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homemade Italian Dressing

Have you ever made your own salad dressings?  I've purchased the packets that you add vinegar, water, and oil to....but I didn't even think that all I was saving myself was 2 seconds of spice measuring and adding pointless preservatives.

So, I was out of dressing the other day and thought a good Italian dressing sounded nice.  After looking through several recipes, I put together what sounded good to me.  And boy, was it ever!  I've been dipping vegetables, bread, and scouring the house for "salad fixins" ever since I tasted this.

It's that good:

Italian Dressing

1 C vinegar
1 1/3 C oil
2 T water
2 t garlic powder
2 t onion powder
2 t honey
1 T dried oregano
1/2 t black pepper
1/2 t dried basil
2 t dried parsley
1 t salt

Mix lasts for a few months in your fridge...well, it's supposed to.  Trust me.  It won't be there that long.


  1. Awesome! When we lived in Sweden, we realized that Swedes don't actually dress their salads at all.
    Here in Riyadh, I make my own dressing of olive oil, lemon juice (fresh-squeezed), and a little salt and pepper. Tastes great and is super simple. I just drizzle it directly on the salad without mixing or measuring.

  2. Stopping by from the "Follow Me Wednesday"!
    Cute blog! :) New follower!

    Anni // Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded

  3. My family will love this- thanks!!!

  4. Sounds fantastic (and I'm sure it's so much better for you)!!

    Thanks for taking the time to link up at Keep Calm & Link Up this weekend! We're thrilled you chose to party with us :o)
    xo, Meredith @

  5. Yum I must try that I love homemade dressings


Thanks for your comments~!

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