Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 of Everything

Having double ovens has been majorly convenient.

I'm surprised how much changes when you are cooking for 6 (it's exhausting!!!)

What's kind of funny is that I've added two of a lot of things to my kitchen arsenal.  We kept our old countertop microwave even though this place has a built-in one.  Do I microwave more than other people?  I had been feeling the urge to have two for quite some time.  

And I purchased a second crockpot.  That's what made me think of this post....I just filled one crockpot with meatloaf and the other with baked potatoes for tonight's dinner about 6 hours from now.

That's how we get it done 'round here! :)


  1. It's a great idea to have two of a lot of things in the kitchen. When I had two ovens, it was a wonderful thing. Whatever makes your life easier.

  2. That sounds like my dream kitchen! I only have 2 kids right now(and 1 on the way), but, oh, someday I'll have a double oven. And, I started out my marriage with 2 slow cookers. Those things are heaven-sent. One can never have too many!

  3. Man all that cooking sound exhausting. Two of thing you use the most is a good idea for a family that size.

  4. I also do doubles in my kitchen. Two crock pots are a must. I have two stainless steel refers (one is always full of produce since we are a vegan/vegetarian household. I purchased a larger commercial electric/gas range oven combo to get rid of the double ranges. Got rid of the bread makers, and only use the one kitchen aid mixer and bake in my commercial oven now. I also hope to get rid of the microwave as well. Just as fast on the commercial range we have found, and tastes better.

    I would also suggest having to sets of washers and dryers. Makes laundry so much quicker and easier. Also, when we have guests, they can do a load, and I can keep to my regular housekeeping schedule.

  5. OOPS! That should be two sets , not to. Sorry


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

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