Thursday, October 4, 2012

Back in the Driver's Seat

Oh, yes I am!  I have to tell myself this...because something that is very hard for me to do is say No to my kids.  I'm a pushover in a lot of ways.  Some stems from the attachment parenting (which I still firmly believe in), but it more-so comes in from a lack of confidence that I am doing the right thing for my kids.  I am passionate about being a mother and I want to do it well, even though that feels so hard some days!

Today it was simply telling my oldest we'd have to skip tomorrow's soccer game in lieu of focusing on her first night of a dance class tomorrow (even though it is held later than the game).  I know, I know, I feel guilty about it, but I can only do so much.  The soccer games are across town, take over an hour of driving, keeping the three younger kids happy, and (this is the kicker), she doesn't seem to really be in to the soccer.  She spends her time chatting with the other players, trying to get rotated out so she can go play with her siblings, etc.  So...

Because she enjoys it, I'll let her finish out the season, but we are gonna skip this one game.  For my sanity.  Reminding myself:  I am in the driver's seat.



  1. Nothing wrong with that at all. Esp. if it isn't a super passion or anything. Slow down. Simplify. Those are my mantras.

  2. The joys of parenting! We do get the power though, enjoy it! There is nothing wrong with telling the kidos no! Found you from the mingle and following you now! Love your blog! ~ Would love a follow back!

  3. Goooo Mom!! That's my best online cheerleader voice ;-)


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

  1 C oat flour 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C cocoa powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/4 salt 1/2 C chocolate chips 1 egg 1/2 C plain greek yogurt 1/4 melted bu...