Monday, March 18, 2013

Chalkboard Paint Labels

Using chalkboard paint has been so fun for me.  Since I don't have a vinyl cutter (oh, how I wish I did :) I can't just whip out some cute labels.  So I thought I'd just paint some on!

I marked the size I wanted with painter's tape...

and decked them out with three coats of the stuff (yes, still my pictures, I just used green tape instead of blue for the majority of them)

Now you want to see the big reveal, right?  The gorgeous line-up of canisters with cutely written labels in chalk.

Well, ya ain't gonna find that here, honey.  Turns out chalkboard paint sticks to most stuff, but this plastic isn't most things.  It just lifted right off.  Didn't adhere at all.  

Since I've enjoyed my chalkboard paint in so many other ways, I'm not going to hold a grudge.  It's okay lil' can of paint.  I'll find more uses for ya!

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