Saturday, May 4, 2013

For the love of {Mudrooms}

Maybe it's just a trend...but its a super functional one, so I would guess it will stick around.  As long as people have active kids or pets a mudroom seems like a great addition for organizing stuff and keeping the dirt and "mud" from the outside away from the rest of the house.

I've gathered some of my favorites.  What features do you like the best?


  1. I put a lot of weight into the "mudroom" category while searching for our new home. Our previous home had no area like this whatsoever, the door from the garage went right into the kitchen, and since we are a no shoe house, my kitchen was always full of shoes (not to mention coats and backpacks). It drove me crazy! So I put a lot of thought into what my dream mudroom would be. I concluded from my own priorities and from looking at hundreds of houses that with mudrooms the bigger the better; it must have a sink; it needs to have organizational areas for each person in the family, but those organizational areas must be open and have easy access--hiding away shoes and hats in beautiful drawers increases the chances of everything just ending up on the floor; having the washer and dryer in the path of entry is actually not a great idea (especially on laundry day. . .or your clean clothes may end up covered with mud); somewhere to sit and put on shoes is handy; mudrooms take a lot of abuse, so make sure you are using durable materials that can handle being banged up and can handle frequent scrubbing; again, the bigger the better! Love some of these pictures!

    1. I agree with the laundry being located elsewhere...I'd want a mudroom on the mainfloor accessed through the garage or front door if you use that. However, I really prefer laundry up by the bedrooms. I had that in a house and it seems like laundry took half the much less transporting around the house. Thanks for your comment!


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

  1 C oat flour 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C cocoa powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/4 salt 1/2 C chocolate chips 1 egg 1/2 C plain greek yogurt 1/4 melted bu...