Saturday, June 22, 2013

Painting the Bathroom

So, I recently told y'all on our Facebook page as well as Instagram that we were GETTING SERIOUS about the master bedroom and bathroom.  We've been moved out of them half the time we've lived in this it's almost as if it doesn't exist.  

Which is kind of funny/ironic whenever we are squeezed in the one bathroom with the six of us in the morning.  It takes a moment's thought to remember we actually do have more space if we feel like using it.  In some ways though, it is a luxury to have enough space to move out of it and be able to remodel unencumbered by stuff and daily life.

Last weekend Casey painted the master bedroom (he'd done the closets in the preceding weeks) and then this weekend, as in right now, he just finished up painting the master bathroom.  Here's some pictures of the process:

Yes, the color looks SO dark when it is just around the edges.

For those who like this info...the paint color is Taupe Tone by Sherwin Williams, but we color match at Home Depot and buy the Behr Ultra paint with primer, since that is our favorite.  


  1. It's a really beautiful paint color! I like how soft and warm it is. We just barely got our scaffolding to start painting our kitchen ceiling. I'm kind of dreading it. But you make using scaffolding look so easy :)

  2. Bathroom painting always requires you to be a little like Gumby to reach into all of those places to paint! Hugs, Holly

  3. I love your paint color. Its rich but not too dark. Good choice...and I can't wait to see the final reveal!

    Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos

  4. Loved your comment about 6 in the bathroom, and yet you feel great that you have the choice to take your time (relatively speaking) to update your second bathroom.


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

  1 C oat flour 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C cocoa powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/4 salt 1/2 C chocolate chips 1 egg 1/2 C plain greek yogurt 1/4 melted bu...