Sunday, September 29, 2013

Making Better Pancakes While Camping

So, I made the mistake of taking cold cereal for breakfast on our last campout and to add insult to injury I forgot the milk.  Forgot the milk!

So my sad children ate their dry cereal from a plastic bowl while longingly sniffing the campground air that was permeated with fresh sizzling bacon and sweet pancake batter just hitting the griddle.  It wasn't my finest mom moment.

So we came up with a new creation this last weekend: CAMPCAKES (my children's new name for them)!  Casey decided to make Pioneer Woman's pancake batter recipe (which we highly recommend) to cook over the campfire.

Oh yum.

Instead of spending an hour making 3 or 4 pancakes at a time, he decided to make each person a big one of their own.

This is a large skillet.  These things were big!


And so, so good!  One filled each person, so the cooking time was minimal.

And the yum-yum time was maximized!  Have a cast iron skillet?  Next time you camp, make CAMPCAKES.  My kids recommend it :).


Thanks for your comments~!

Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

  1 C oat flour 1/2 C sugar 1/4 C cocoa powder 1/2 t baking soda 1/4 salt 1/2 C chocolate chips 1 egg 1/2 C plain greek yogurt 1/4 melted bu...