Wednesday, September 12, 2012

If there was Pinterest...

So I saw this on Pinterest today....

....and it got me thinking.  Ya know, maybe that's a good thing (just like I feel super lucky Facebook wasn't around when I was a teenager :)

I got married in the 90's.  If there had  been Pinterest back then, what might my board look like?


So, it's all about the hair, right?  Any of these numbers would have inspired me...

No wait, The Dress, The Dress!  Puffy sleeves or go home.

If we're gettin' a band they better be ready to rock (the keyboard tie says that like nothin' else)

Don't let me forget the HEADPIECE!  A wedding couldn't happen without one, right?

And, this gives me a gander at hairdo ideas for my future hubby.  Ahem.  Glad we didn't forget that part.

Technology is all fun and games now, but anyone else glad it hasn't always been in their life?


  1. This is DEFINITELY the funniest post I've read all day! Thank you for sharing and for the uncontrollable laughter it caused. Angela @ Mrs. White Twig and Tea

  2. LOL! hilarious quote up there! :) thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving your comment!

    1. I'm flattered you visited my blog! I sure love your re-fashioning! I'm just starting to get into it. You start to see old things in a whole new way. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Too FUNNY! Love all the photos of the hair.

  4. OMG I can't stop laughing! I graduated high school in 1992 and this brings back so many memories :)

    1. I know, right? The taller the hair the better. Funny how it all looks downright scary now :)

  5. That is hilarious! I was fortunate enough to get married post-puffy sleeves. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. You're a lucky gal :). I sewed my wedding dress, and that sleeve puffin' was intense!

  6. Oh my goodness...this is too stinking funny!! What if is right. And what if Pinterest sticks around and we look back at our pins. Oh man!!

    1. Hmmm, that'll be kind of fun. (Files away the idea to do a follow-up post 10 years from now of "what I used to pin.")

  7. LOVE IT! Holy funny balls right here- this is awesome!!

  8. Hahahaha!!! That's awesome.


  9. so great! I am so thankful to have lived as long as I did with out all the technology today. I often wonder what my kids life will be like having had it all from the start.... Thanks for the good laugh!

  10. Got married in the 90's - Oh my - you nailed it except for the hair...



Thanks for your comments~!

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