Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tie Dye fun

Project Runway Tie Dye Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)

My oldest daughter saved birthday and chore money for a long time with the hopes of having her own tie dye kit.  And once she had it, it took us awhile to accumulate all the shirts we needed to get a full use out of it.  With a two year old in the house I wasn't about to be storing strong dye anywhere :).  I wanted it all used up.  We bought some extra shirts when we found them on clearance and my mother ended up mailing us a huge batch of white T-shirts too.  I think we had about 15. 

I'll be honest, it was messy.  This table is still permanently dyed, so I'm glad its one we were planning to get rid of years ago, but haven't replaced yet.  We had a tarp on the floor but there were still spills.

It was fun, though, and we have lots of shirts to wear to remember the experience (as well as a few we gave as gifts).


  1. That looks like so much fun! I have been wanting to do this for a while now too. How did you make your pattern on the shirt? Did you use rubber bands?

  2. I have a tye dye kit I picked up on clearance about 2 years ago but I'm honestly a little scared of dyes so I haven't used it yet.

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