Monday, March 26, 2018

free write

WEll, I did my 5 am workout today, and I plan to  do some blog promotion too.  Im cleaning up my pinterest boards and houzz ideabooks.  Oops I lost like 500 pinterest followers that way.  I didn't realize half were following specific boards.  I guess you live and learn -- learning curve of a blogger.

I am being more clean and precise with my boundaries and beliefs on what I post what I keep, etc.  I have been posting damning church stuff with sex abuse scandals (and lack of church discipline) and of course then I realize that people will unfriend me or not follow the important stuff.  I've lost so many fb friends over the years, it shouldn't hurt as much as it does :).  Still feels the sharp sting of rejection.

I'm so glad the sun is coming out again.  I'm going to keep loving myself.  REligious or not, mormon or not.  I am ok.  I am awesome.  I have a big heart and I try to help people.  I try to find the underdog and I give hugs and smiles.  I am willing to sub for hcurhc and teach primary.  I am kind hearted in my comments to my friends.  I like espresso and tea.  I don't drink because I don't handle it well mentally or physically.  I'm thankful I never tried because it helps it easier to avoid now.

I am happy!  I am happy to be me.  I'm glad casey is a lawyer, I am glad we have such a high salary.  That is all him, since he fought and pushed so hard for it.  I am thankful for how comfortable it makes me though.  It's nice to have enough for groceries and medical treatments.  I'm so grateful for all the surgeries we needed and were able to get this year.  I'm so glad we could do Casedi's teeth, because they were so complicated.  I'm glad the kids can do sports, all and any of them.

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Chocolate Yogurt Oat Muffins

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