Monday, September 16, 2019

Daily Laundry

I need to write more so I am sitting down to it with my little cheap laptop.  I write my morning pages by hand in my junk journal, but with writing--I need more.

I've given myself over fully to sewing the past few months, to the point of being called on it because I was so checked out.  I'm doing a little better focusing on each aspect of my job as a mother and giving it an hour or two each day, not the whole of the day.

My serger is giving me fits, so its hard not to just dive into diagnosing it with my mental energy going to watching youtube videos about it and then trying things.  I just walked away, and vacuumed the couch, wiped down it's microfiber, and mopped most of the floors.  When it comes to my work I like to take a deep dive.  And I think most people do.  Homemaking makes it very difficult to work that way, though.  There's one shift of the morning waking, grooming (for every one of them, and me!) and eating and dressing and getting to all of the places.

When I am settled back in here, alone, to bless what I can in this space I usually start with something mindless, which dishes has become.  Laundry switching is too.  I've become an everyday laundry person, now that my laundry is by my kitchen.  Its an extension of the constant loading and unloading of the that once I get that going, I pivot over to what state the laundry is in.  We don't ever have piled up dirty laundry with my system so it has its perks.

A house full of teens and pre-that, as well as a man, don't take time to think no piled up laundry is any kind of gift, but maybe they'll see it somewhere else.

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